Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Anna & Rune ~ Richmond Yacht Club ~ September 2011

On a late summer day with warm gentle breeze, Anna and Rune confirmed their love for each other.  The event was set at the Richmond Yacht Club as the boats swayed and bobbed in the marina.
Anna was dreaming of a relaxed, whimsical wedding day.  The tables were dressed with ivory linens and topped with large decorative seashells and candlelight.  Ivory double tulips, eggplant scabiosa, and snow on the mountain completed the look with their light, airy blooms.

Anna and her father's talent shined as they took on the task this DIY wedding cake.  The butter cream frosting was speckled with orange flecks.  The effect was rustic yet chic.

But the true icing on the cake was this tiny photo of Anna's grandmother pinned to her bouquet just moments before the ceremony.  With it, Anna was able to carry her heritage with her down the aisle.

 The delicate softness of Muhly Grass added to the driftwood theme in these bridesmaid's bouquets.

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